Corona, Corona, Corona. Covid-19. Quarantine. Lockdown. Work from home. Blablabla. Vaccine doesn't exist. WHO. Bill Gates. Jerinx. Elite Conspiracy. Blablabla Corona still exist. Oh god!
Now, I'm questioning myself if I'm starting to like quarantine days. Why do I feel little bit sad.
I Shouldn't by the way, quarantine days is gonna end soon. It means all of this suffer is gonna end soon as well. It's because, I've heard that on June 2, School will start normally. It means, things will go as It did.
Everything gonna be okay. I hope so.
I'm starting to like "The New Normal". But, life has a funny way. It happens everytime. Because, when I'm starting to like something, then It disappears. Again and again.
How sad?!
Well, that's how life works, doesn't It?
At least, this pandemic gives me more a little time to contemplate everything that I've been through. As a (half) introvert I've already felt more relaxed than ever. Insha Allah, after it ends, I'll feel recharged.
Wish you guys always well.
Happy Ied Mubarak.
Everything is gonna end soon as well.
Everything is gonna be okay.
Insha Allah.
Karawang, Work from home.
Anggia Kusumargani Sidik.